Remedies for Black heads

Blackheads are every second girl problem, I have too. Blackheads are small bumps that appear on your skin, it is due to pores becoming clogged with oil and dead skin. Various factors can cause the blackheads such as unbalanced diet, dirt, use excessive cosmetics, changes in hormone etc.

  • Wash Regularly
Wash your face when you wake up, before you go to bed & when you come home from outside to remove the dirt and oil buildup. Wash twice or thrice a day can irritate your skin. So, use gentle face wash.

  • Egg
Firstly, wash your face. Now, take an egg and separate a yolk from it. Only its white part will be used.
Take a cotton pad and allow it to soak up the egg whites. Apply that cotton pad on the blackheads and wait until it gets dry. When the cotton pad gets dry, peel it from nose fastly!! Rinse your face with cold water to shrink pores. You will notice a huge difference after doing this method.

  • Toothpaste

  • Squish a toothpaste in a mixing bowl. Mix a pinch of salt in it. Mix toothpaste and salt well to form a paste. Now apply the paste on the blackheads area. After 5 minutes dab a water on paste and massage in circular motion. Massage very gently. Once clean, rub ice cubes on the blackheads area for closing the pores.

    • Lemon Juice
    Lemon is the best option to get the rid from black heads naturally. You need lemon, salt, warm water and cotton ball. Squeeze the lemon in the bowl, add half tablespoon salt in it, add little water to dilute the paste. Apply directly on the black heads  with the help of cotton ball. Let it dry naturally. Wash it off with cold water and scrub it.


    • Turmeric
    The natural remedies always found to be the fastest and most effective to get rid with them. Mix turmeric powder with two tablespoons of mint juice. Apply it to the affected area. Allow it dry for a few minutes and then wash the area with lukewarm water. You can also make a thick paste with sandalwood, turmeric powder, and milk together.

    •  Honey
    Honey has a anti bacterial property and can repair the skin effectively. To treat blackheads with honey, it is great if you take about 3-5 teaspoons of honey to boil up, let it cool down and then rub on the blackheads area. You wait until the layer of honey gets dry and then peel off from the skin. Blackheads will be glued to the mask and will be pulled out easily. This is considered as one of effective home remedies for blackheads. 


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